York St John University

York St John University

York, United Kingdom

York St John University Student Reviews

9.6 / 10 (13 students)





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Overall, this was an absolutely remarkable experience! I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I kind of knew what I was getting into because the intensity was stressed a fair amount, but I tried not to hesitate on applying. Looking back, I can safely say I am extremely grateful to have not hesitated and that I took part! I made so many wonderful friends on the course and I learnt so much, and took so much value away from the course, that I doubt I would get anywhere else. I couldn't recommend applying for the CELTA enough! It was difficult, but I also proved to myself how capable I am. It is an experience I will never forget, and one that I will continually revisit in my memory, to remind myself of my determination and will to keep going, despite obstacles and challenges in my path. The wonderful community that is built and that stretches across the world is unforgettable; it is a very rewarding feeling to know you are helping others in their desire to learn English as a foreign language. I am very thankful to my tutors on the course and my wonderful fellow teachers! I would do it all over again if I could! :)

, CELTA Online student,

The CELTA course helped me evolve on so many levels both personally and profesionally. Just in a matter of 4 weeks I believe I grew up so much and evolved in my teacher training. The course taught me many strategies and sturdied my foundation of English teaching alongside glossing my interpersonal skills and confidence. I also want to thank Simon Marshall especially, he was an extraordinary tutor. Extremely thorough in his explanations, very attentive to detail and very encouraging. We had amazing support from him. God bless him!

, CELTA Online student,

Very intense but it fully prepares you for teaching. I feel stronger now when I am teaching. Celta teaching techniques are brilliant and help me succeed every time I use them. The course has also opened so many doors with lots of opportunities for me.

, CELTA Online student,

I had the best experience doing CELTA. The course was organised, I felt fully supported by tutors and learned so much. I’d recommend it to anyone who gets the opportunity.

, CELTA Online student,

The course was very demanding, challenging and intense but it has been a fantastic experience. CELTA tutors are always available, they offered continued support and encouragement throughout the course. The course is also well structured and engaging, especially for those non native speakers like myself.

, CELTA Online student,


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