Lexis TESOL Training Centres Japan

Lexis TESOL Training Centres Japan

Kobe, Japan

Lexis TESOL Training Centres Japan Student Reviews

9.4 / 10 (43 students)





Words most commonly used to describe this centre

I have learned a lot from this course. This experience is a milestone in my teaching career.

, CELTA Online student,

The tutors were absolutely fantastic! But we had a lot of trouble using the Moodle.

, CELTA Online student,

It`s intense and you probably wouldn`t want to be doing it for longer than 4 weeks, but the content is relevant. The tutors were very supportive and offered a lot of useful feedback and guidance. Working together with others in the group was enjoyable and it was rewarding to see how happy everyone was when we finished.

, CELTA student,

I decided to do my CELTA in Japan and I am glad I did. The application process was painless and when I arrived I fell in love with Kobe! The school was modern and easy to get to using public transport. The staff were all friendly and helpful and made a very busy month a lot of fun. The tutors were great, I learned so much from them. I loved the teaching practice and getting to know my students and the input sessions really opened my eyes to how the language works. After CELTA I am now ready to start this new chapter in my life.

, CELTA student,

I did my CELTA at LTTC Japan in Kobe and it was a fantastic learning experience for me. I had done some private teaching before the course so I thought I knew a bit about it all... I never imagined I could learn so much in a month! The course is intense but very rewarding. The tutors were so knowledgeable and professional and always had time to help us out. The facilities were great, clean and spacious and Mio and Rika made sure we had everything we needed. My favourite part was the teaching practice. Being in a classroom and teaching real students was such a change. Thanks to the feedback on my teaching I was able to improve a lot in a short time and I with the school's help I was even able to arrange some job interviews after the course. This is easily one of the best courses I have ever done. I would definitely recommend LTTC Japan and their CELTA course.

, CELTA student,


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